3 Entri Paling Kerap Dibaca Seminggu Ini

20 September 2010

are you Fadding into FAD?

"a fad is generally considered a fleeting behavior whereas a trend is considered to be a behavior that evolves into a relatively permanent change".

itu fad=trend. kalau FAD=Facebook Addiction Disorder ? :D

Do you know that aside from Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD), there’s also a list of addiction in related to this. They are the following :

* Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD)
* Youtube Addiction Disorder (YAD)
* Google Search Addiction Disorder (GSAD)
* Widget Addiction Disorder (WAD)
* Twitter Addiction Disorder (TAD)
* Blackberry Addiction Disorder (BAD)

Kita Kawan, Bukan Mahu Lawan

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