I woke up, again, at about 10.00. Hahahaha. Bath. Jumping into my suit, I went to CELPAD to see whether my grouping matter has been settled. walked....meet Anuar Suid....breakfast...splitting...anuar went to A n' R, while I went to CELPAD, ....4 girls and 2 boys....open the door...
la, mana borangnya?....
"madam, can I know when can I get back (have) my add and drop form?"
"oh, I think, you can only have it by tomorrow morning, because right now we are doing our best to finish it up."
"oh...OK. Thanks."
So, I have to wait for my English Level 4 Course Coordinator to put me into the group...before I can proceed with my add and drop session. Luckily the due date is tomorrow, not today.