3 Entri Paling Kerap Dibaca Seminggu Ini

27 October 2002

it's been nearly a week since my last update. Man.... I'm really busy, trying to keep my self in perfect balance in each and every role I possess. My study.... right now I'm trying new ways to make my study more enjoyable, challenging, and more efficient, so that I can use my time for other purposes, like writing and listening to English stuff for the sake of my English improvement, rewriting and reorganizing examples of meetings and discussion for the sake of my leadership improvement, reading my textbooks and notes 15 minutes before class, just to make sure that I'll never had the time to wander after class, when I couldn't understand something as it should be, when I'm doing my assig and tutorials.... you know what I mean.

Right now, I've been appointed as the director of Smart and Islamic Campaign, with Azhani from MRSM, a campaign that will be conducted during the MMC, under Land of Sciencexenium. As Anuar Suid and his 2nd year's companion are doing the LOS, I've to do that SILC for the sake of 1st year students, and for the sake of my learning curve too, as I'm the vice press.

what a tough sem to be went through......

Kita Kawan, Bukan Mahu Lawan

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